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Writing Samples

Here's a sample of ad copy I wrote for The Global Baptist Times. This series of ads was created for a collection of counseling guides written by Drs. Jamie and Vickie Jett. The ads focused on topics like anger, depression, self-injury, and bitterness. I loved digging deeper on these topics and presenting them in a fresh way for a target audience who often doesn't realize there's an issue until it's staring them in the face. The trick was to present the topics in a way that made church people think, "Hmm, I may just have an issue with that." In addition to the ad copy, I developed the layout concepts.

The Global Baptist Times Print Ads

Radio Ads

I was asked to write a set of 30-second radio ads for a local station in Findlay, Ohio. The Cornerstone Baptist Church has had a radio program for the area for 5 years. I had a lot of fun creating the ideas behind these ads. The radio station aired them in the wee hours of the morning.

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While taking Journalism in college, I had to write a "snapshot" feature piece. I remember sitting down with a fellow college student to talk about her years in college and how she overcame them while dealing with a mild form of cerebral palsy. Heather was and still is an inspiration to me. Yes, this is a college piece, but her story is one that I love. Storytelling like this fires me up.

Currently, I write a regular feature piece in The Global Baptist Times. This column focuses on stories from missionaries across the globe. One of my favorite things to do in all the world is to listen to people's stories and find a creative way to tell that story. Interviews and research were done long distance, and I loved learning more about the countries where these families lived.

Feature Pieces

Snapshot Feature

Jett Counseling Guide Catalog

Jett Books Catalog

Email Template

For several years, I helped edit a series of books on counseling people with addictions (see print ad campaign above). I realized that we needed a product catalog so customers could see the products all in one location. I designed the initial layout and wrote the product descriptions for this .pdf catalog. Eventually, the products were featured at The Global Baptist Times online store.

I developed this email template for Marshall Music, an online store that sells albums, sheet music, and t-shirts. (Backstory: this is my family, and yes, I grew up as a musician, studio artist, and entrepreneur. Just a side note.)

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Forgiveness vs. Bitterness
Secret Behind the Door
From Darkness to Light

This is just a sample.  To read more or to file a complaint >>

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